Steel Tape Measuring accurate square footage and floor plans
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Our Privacy Policy

(last update: Dec 2012)

Information we gather

The following information is gathered from our website visitors:
IP address

How we use the information we gather

We use this information in aggregate to see statistics about web site visitors (key words that brought them here, computer operating system, IP address for general location)

The people that are given access to this information

Your personal information is accessible by the owner of this site and Goosedown Graphics Web Development, the developer of the website.

The security measures we have in place to protect your personal information

To safeguard your personal information, we use a secure certificate on pages where data is transferred. We do NOT store any credit card information AT ALL. Our server NEVER recieves your credit card data, it is ONLY sent to our credit card processing provider (

Our use of cookies

Our website makes use of cookies which are small digital files that are stored in your web browser that enable us to track your return visits to our website.

Your browser settings may allow you to block these cookies, but we recommend you have them enabled to help us personalise your experience of our website.

Steel Tape Measuring how we create accurate floor plans sample floor plans place an order for floor plans contact Steel Tape Measuring Steel Tape Measuring privacy policy